Throat Chakra
When the chakras are unbalanced we may experience physical and emotional stress associated with that particular chakra. The chakras are spinning wheels of energy located inside the physical body. They are there to help balance the nervous system and the energy flow throughout the body.
What is the the throat chakra
The throat chakra is our fifth chakra; it teaches us to communicate who we are authentically. This chakra encourages us to use peaceful communication and embody our organic self. If you feel like you cannot express who you really are then your throat chakra might be blocked.
The Sanskrit for the throat chakra is Vishudda which translates to pure or purity. When something is pure it’s in a natural organic state. This chakra encourages you to be yourself through your expressions. Remember pure doesn't mean perfect!
When I say communication not only do I mean verbal but also all the nonverbal ways we communicate and listen! For example: the clothing you wear is a form of communication. I’m sure you notice how you feel different when you wear something that resonates with your style or not. Your body language communicates to the people you engage with arms folded or unfolded may communicate blocked/defensive or open/ vulnerable.
Other examples of nonverbal communication
Listening to music and singing music
Listening to inner thoughts
Diet specifically what we eat and why ( emotional eating or eating for nutrition)
What we look at: social media, television, books, and why! Are we on social media for validation? Are we looking at TV for distraction?
The Throat chakra is associated with
Color- blue
Physical body-Throat
Speech and communication
Hearing and being heard
In life we experience moments of uncertainty we may not know what is next. We can speak negatively about these transitions or look within and speak positively. Recently, I was reminded before I speak, go within and allow my words to come from the heart. If you are familiar with the Christian creation story, God said “let there be light” before there was light. He spoke all creations into existence and they appeared.
According to quantum physics even the tiniest amount of sound waves travels and carries energy. The next time you speak remember your words matter. I pray our speech reflects our values!
Signs of a blocked throat chakra
The throat chakra connects the heart to the brain and our heart to the world. Our heart governs the head and intentions from there we use speech and sound to communicate those intentions.
When the throat chakra is blocked, so is the connection with our heart and mind. We can not listen to ourselves and others. With a blocked throat chakra you may lose your voice and feel unable to express your voice in a way that is authentic to yourself.
A blocked throat chakra can lead to a deep feeling of not knowing how to express yourself! You may even trip over the right way to communicate and miss opportunities of expression. Personally I was told I had a smart mouth or my tone was abrasive so I would internalize my words before speaking and that led to not talking at all or missing the opportunity to talk.
Signs of an overactive throat chakra
An overactive throat chakra tends to overshare. This is similar to a broken pipe- over pouring and unable to take in any new thoughts. In extreme cases this person may use aggressive speech to dominate or hurt.
Signs of an balanced throat chakra
When the throat chakra is balanced we can articulate a heartfelt response because we listen to perceive. Your expression is an offering to the world and a thank you to our creator because we are made in the image of our creator. Healing is created each time you express honestly and lovingly. When the throat chakra is balanced you behave from a place of integrity and truth!
Tips to help balance your throat chakra
Balancing the throat chakra is important because it gives us the opportunity to communicate well with ourselves and others.
1. Head & Neck Rotations
Start in a comfortable posture seated or standing.
Shoulders are aligned with the hips.
Exhale and turn your left ear toward your left shoulder
Remain there and take a deep yawn to stretch the jaw and neck muscles
Inhale and return the head to a neutral position.
Repeat the movement to the right
Return neutral
Repeat the movement to the back
Return to neutral
Repeat the movement down towards the chest
Return to neutral and repeat 3x
*Keep the eyes open if you begin to feel dizzy*
2. Use your words of declarations
Be open to using your voice without judgment. Bring your hands to your heart center and repeat the following declarations.
I express my feelings easily and freely.
I own my power and feel fully alive.
I express myself calmly and confidently.
When you finish, sit and be in silence and thank yourself for creating space to heal and align. You may also write them down and post them in place so you can see them.
Let the world see who you really are!