Solar Plexus Chakra
What are the chakras…..
Within the physical body are the chakras. There are seven total located in a straight line from the top of the head to the base of the spine. The chakras cannot be seen with the physical eye, but we know they exist. Similar to experiencing emotions you cannot see. The chakras operate as spinning wheels of energy. They help regulate the nervous system, major organs, and emotional health.
I discussed the chakras in greater detail in my previous post, so be sure to read them for an extended conversation. Each week I will post one chakra. In this post I am discussing the Solar Plexus chakra: what it is, tips to identify the health status, and how to balance your solar plexus chakras.
What is the solar plexus chakra:
The Sanskrit for the solar plexus chakra is Manipuri and that translates to lustrous gem. Located in the upper abdomen between the navel and sternum. Also, the digestive organs are included. In the psychology of yoga the digestive organs are known to represent transformation and assimilation.
This chakra is represented by:
the fire element
the color yellow
the ego identity
the will to take action
The purpose is to:
actively develop personal power
Self mastery
Signs of a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra
Mastery of your personal will /power
Know and honor your personal capacity
Ability to manage your internal fire
Practice consistent discipline
Take inspired action without fear of failure or attachment to ego
Strong sense of direction/purpose
Capacity to identify when the wound or shadow present itself and apply productive coping techniques
The wound or shadow is represented by the emotion of shame.
Other signs that your solar plexus chakra is deficient/unbalanced:
Low self esteem
Lack of fire
Avoid challenges that may expose your authentic self
playing it safe- following other people rules
Resentment due to listening to others
Avoidant personality due to poor self esteem
Victim mentality
Loss of internal motivation
Weak will
Physical manifestation:
Abdominal issues
Loss of appetite
Why should you balance your solar plexus chakra?
We can visualize the chakras as spinning wheels of energy that exist within us. They operate as managers of our energy. They process internally and externally past/present experiences. Our capacity to process that energy depends on the work we have done. The chakras then animate our physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
The chakras operate in three states: balanced, underbalanced/deficient, and excess/overactive. Balanced is the goal while excess and deficient chakras may develop undesirable coping or defensive coping mechanisms. Past influences,programming, and repeated habits at large impact the state of the chakra, thinking, feeling, and being.
When we work with our chakra system we focus on:
The state of the chakra
Why is it in that state
Adjustments to operate in a more balanced state
Ways to balance your deficient solar plexus:
With the solar plexus represented by the fire element we should build energy slowly like we would with a fire. This approach ensures we don't burn-out by setting ourselves up to a momentum we cannot maintain or at first achieve. Start with building a routine/consistency and build on that. This also allows us to strengthen our willpower, take our time and practice patients.
Practice Breath of Fire: This is a breathing technique used in yoga. Breath of fire can help move lethargic sluggish energy. This may help with counteracting against the loss of internal motivation.
Resistance training- this will build strength and confidence.
Change your environment: Join a community that will inspire you to grow and apply healthy coping mechanisms. A community that will encourage you to take the risk of exposing your authentic self and take action on the things that really matter.
Yoga pose
Extended side angle pose:
Begin standing in the mountain pose. Weight is evenly proportioned on both feet and the arms are at the side of the body. Breathe in and take a big step to spread the legs apart sideways 4 to 4.5 feet. Raise, the arms sideways aligned with the shoulders, with the palms facing down.
Exhale slowly and turn the right foot to the right at a 90 degrees. The left foot is slightly turned to the right. Keep the left leg straight and tight at the knee. Bend the right leg until the thigh and calf form a right angle and the angle should be parallel to the floor.
Inhale/ exhale and place the right palm on the floor on the side of the right foot. The right armpit should cover and touch the outer side of the right knee. Inhale and stretch the left arm out and over the left ear be sure to keep the head up.
The chest, hops and legs should be lengthened and tightened in a line. Inorder to achieve this move the chest up and back. Concentrate on stretching the whole body, especially the back and spine.
Stay in this pose for half a minute to one minute. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly.
Inhale, straighten the right leg, exhale, bring the left palm to the floor on the left side of the foot.
Inhale and step the left foot forward. Exhale and slowly come up into a standing position bringing the neck and head up last.
Remain standing, rest as needed and repeat practice on the other side.
Health effects:
Tones up the ankles, knees, and thighs.
Correct deficiencies in the calves and thighs
Reduces fat around waist and hips
Relieves sciatic and arthritis pain
Aids in digestion elimination
Signs of an overactive Solar plexus:
Again, fire is the element and personal power is the theme. When we are overactive the internal flame is overloaded and guess what happens? You burn out! We make things happen by force so our resources and energy become burnt. This is when you operate off of fumes.
The mind, body, and soul is undernourished. We may be constantly active and the ego is consumed with business. This creates a false sense of personal power. The physical body may look strong but the spirit isn't. Other characteristics include:
Aggressive behavior
Ways to balance an overactive Solar Plexus:
When a chakra is overactive we have an abundance of energy, so it's important to redirect or transmute that energy into the other chakras that may need the energy. With more understanding of the chakra system you can redirect the energy as needed.
Find ways to relax and enjoy a moment of downtime with no specific agenda or goal. Practice gentler yoga that will calm your nervous system, body, and spirit. The child's pose is a restorative gentle yoga pose that can be used.
Create and uphold boundaries to preserve your energy. Consider listing out specific goals that are a priority to avoid the tendency to misuse the energy that is available for you. This is a big one for me! I list my top priorities for the week/day before I can move onto other tasks.
Regulate your internal conversation. Affirm yourself with positive communication. A mantra to use- “ I am enough I have done enough and I can rest”
Let me know in the comment section which state of chakra you identify with. Are you balanced, deficient, or overactive? Which suggestions do you want to put into practice? I recommended starting with one to three. If you enjoyed this conversation, join the wellness community by subscribing.