Wellness with Taia

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Top 5 reasons Yoga is beneficial for everyone

 Yoga is beneficial for anyone who practices. Not only am I talking about the obvious physical changes like achieving a fit yoga body, or better posture! When practiced correctly you may develop more spiritual awareness. By definition, yoga means to "unify" to "yoke" your awareness with the one consciousness, God, or universe.  

In this post, I provide my top 5 reasons yoga is beneficial for everyone. 

  1. Being self-aware is a valued skill:

     In ancient Kemet, everyone practiced yoga. It was required to be at a level of proficiency before earning an elite title. All the physicians, lawyers, officials, and teachers were yogis. Self-mastery before being a service to the community. 

  2. Yoga increases your self-confidence: 

     Naturally, you become more confident when you know who you are. Yoga teaches you to embrace yourself and this life. It feels good to value your uniqueness, gifts, "shortcomings' and all the odd things that make you, you! Yoga encourages you to take what you have and thrive!

  3. Yoga doesn't discriminate: 

    The philosophy of yoga is scientific meaning that'' the results are predictable and repeatable." ( Glassy. D 2012) That is why doing yoga poses and meditation become "easier" with consistent practice. You can start where you are regardless of your physical body, age, or gender yoga is for everyone! Yoga is about being present with where you are now, so with yoga modifications and tools such as a chair, yoga blocks, or pillows, you can use these to help with your yoga practice. 

  4. Meditation is a state of mind that facilitates growth:  In yoga, we meditate at the beginning of practice. The mind is a tool and it helps you concentrate when doing the poses and movements. The goal is to become fluid with the movements on the mat and in life, to flow like water!

  5. Yoga strengthens your respiratory system and capacity to breathe through situations: 

    Breathing exercises are used with yoga; it relaxes the nervous system and your perspective to stress. Have you ever met angry yogis? Nope, not me. I'm not saying yogis don't experience those emotions, they don't stay angry. That's the key! Most yogis are described as being zen and calm. I don't want to scare you so if you prefer to live with anger stay away! You will experience more peace with practice.